The siddha system of medicine is one of the ancient system contemporaneous unit those of the submerged levels, egyption, mesopotamian, chinese and Grecian medicine. The unique nature of this system is its continuous service to the humidity for more than 5000 years in combating, diseases and in maintaining its physical, mental moral health. The system as it exists has much in common unit more ancient medicine.
The enormous pharmacopoeia containing vegetable, animal and mineral products at time.
Ancient medicine rests upon four pillars viz.,
- (1) A knowledge of the physical nature
- (2) A knowledge of the powers of the mind
- (3) A knowledge of the Divine powers in man,
- (4) Upon the personal virtue or holiness of the physician.
Moreover, in this system, medicines consist of three kinds viz.
- (1) Oppurai (friendly medicines)
- (2) Ethirurai (Antagonistic medicines) and
- (3) Kalappurai (a mixture of the above two kinds).
Oppurai is a cure employed by those drugs which excite the symptoms similar to those of the disease, as in the case of Homeopathy medicines; Ethirurai is a cure by those drugs which acts against and suppress the symptoms of a disease as in the case of allopathic medicine; kalappurai is a cure by adopting the combination of the above two methods judiciously and strengthening the action of the drug or drugs of similar actions whenever required as, in the case of Siddha system.
These medicines may be roughly divided into three classes
- Miracle medicines
- Sophisticated medicine
- Common medicine
Miracle medicine are becoming rare and should be learned direct from the master who, highly undergoes all form of initiation and hazards of appreciation ship, have needed perfection in all respect. Sophisticated medicine may be scientifically prepared and used by the well-trained physician without much risk. Common medicines are the simplest and very cheap things, which were in wide use.
So, Siddha system of medicine includes in it not only medicine but also Astrology, Magic, called ordinarily Mani, Mantram and Oushadam.
It should always be remembered that the causes of disease are due to the disturbance of the Doshas of Dhatus; and they are of the internal and external causes. The internal cause is constitutional or Karma Rogas, bringing up direct from the disturbance of
- (1) Dhatus-the three humors
- (2) Tissues-the seven Dhatus
- (3) Gunas or quality-the guiding principles of mind.
- (4) Malas-the secretive and excretive wastes.
A disease is that which affects either the body or the mind or both. Disease such as, leprosy, fistula, piles etc. are due to the abnormalities of the four elements constituting the semen and the ovum. Disease like colie, peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, cholera etc. are due to the vitiation of the four constituents of either mothers as assimilation or one’s own afterbirth i.e, inborn or acquired. This vitiation is said to be karmic and is only inferable.
The principles and methods of treatment is too big subject to be dealt with in a few words. The sine qua non of proper treatment is of course proper diagnostic, particularly with view to our ‘Tridosha’ pathology. So, the physician has been enjoined to take note of the particular type of the disease, the involvement of organs other that those directly affected, the climate, the strength and the power of digestion, the temperament of the patient, his age. Habits of living etc., for purposes of correct diagnosis and to decide upon the correct line of treatment. A physician ought to possess knowledge to enter the very innermost part of the patient, without which he can never treat the disease properly according to siddhar’s view.
The success of a physician is therefore due chiefly to his clear grasp of the derangement of humors and his selected and well-considered treatment of that derangement, according to well-defined principles of Therapeutics. Without knowledge of the said derangements, treatment would be unscientific and may lead to disaster.
The specialties of Siddhars are very potent remedies; and so, practitioners should scrupulously careful, special attention being paid to the form, the dosage, the diet the vehicle or medium of medicine etc.
They had investigated and studied fully the cause and effect of disease and all kinds of drugs, minerals and poision. They can even disintegrate them at their will and can also dematerialse or rematerialize their bodies as the liked. Their knowledge of the inherent nature and the therapeutic and magnetic effect of different drugs combined with the practice of regulating their breathing in VASIYOGAM is supported to give them longevity and superhuman person quste beyond our comprehension.
Traditional Siddha medicine upholds balancing, up righting and eliminating the pathogens as the main principles of treating diseases and maintaining health. It plays a good role in the fight against viral diseases, chronic inflammation, functional disorders, endocrine disorders and other diseases. Traditional medicine stresses prevention before diseases rather than treating diseases. But Siddha Medicine give equal importance in prevention and curing. According to the Siddha medicine, various psychological and physiological functions of the body are attributed to the combination of seven elements. Diet and lifestyle play a major role, not only in health but also in curing diseases. Internal medicine was used through the oral route and further classified into 32 categories based on their form, methods of preparation, shelf-life, etc. External medicines classified into 32 categories includes certain forms of drugs and also certain applications (such as nasal, eye and ear drops) and also certain procedures (such as leech application).